More than one hundred APLA soldiers still in jail - PAC

Party asks why it should be such a difficult task to give Presidential Pardons to these "Prisoners of War"

PAC is becoming impatient with perpetual incarceration of its APLA forces.

In the early 1990s, we experience the unbanning of former liberation movement which includes the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) and others. There were also release of many freedom fighters who had been incarcerated for various political activities. The PAC was very reluctant to enter into new controversial deal with the former oppressor and exploiter and this resulted in the PAC carrying on with the armed struggle, one of the famous programme is known as the "Year Of The Great Storm" which aimed at "enemies".

The PAC decided to suspend its armed struggle official in the year 1993 and subsequently made a way to contest in the first popular elections which other members of the PAC did not advocate but rather believed that Azania (SA) will never be liberated by a ballot but by bullet or a barrel of a gun hence internal hindrances made some damages to our great movement

APLA (Azanian Peoples Liberations Army), PAC guerrilla wing experienced their combats being held after the pseudo-democratic order. This forces were jailed by the past racist and exploitive regime, the continuity of holding this people currently suggest that "1994" was the continuing of everything from Botha until Zuma.

We are growingly becoming impatient and will soon consider recalling our troops from the integrated SANDF in which our deployees are not treated fairly because of their political allegiance and ideological conviction. We have seized all requirements to release our freedom fighters unconditionally like those of uMkhonto and AZANLA. We are not as too sure why our soldiers are being held but we can make calculated and intelligent guess that there is an on-going move to completely assassinate the PAC and its history so the ANC will be the only political formation with historical credibility.

The PAC is having soldiers roaming in prisons and we are warning the government to stop misusing taxpayers money on unnecessary occasions like the PAC incident when freedom fighters are held because of their political opinion.

More than hundred APLA soldiers are incarcerated in jails while others have and still are ageing and kicking the bucket during their jail time. Why is it a difficult task to give Presidential Pardon to these "Prisoners of War", how do we celebrate freedom without its true custodians here, doe it make sense?

It will be on the 23rd of May 2015 when the PAC will submit their memorandum to African Union (AU) during its summit here in occupied Azania (South Africa). We have embarked on all sorts of campaigns to raise awareness of such a paramount issue but we were failed deliberately.

We are hoping that a resort to African Union is the last one as the highest body of the continent and that our soldiers will be released unconditionally in good state though they are ageing everyday.

We are fully confident that AU Chair Robert Mugabe will attend to these issue if not so we will then adopt some evil mechanism available which will free this people. PAC is, for the first time going to seek help from other organisations, counties, countries, states and powerful people.

We are really growing impatient with delaying tactics we have been experiencing from the 90s until to date.

Izwe Lethu (Our Land)

Statement issued by Kenneth Mokgatlhe, PAC Media Liaison/Spokesperson, April 29 2015