Release of our new documentary “The Clarion Call” – EFF

Fighters say this powerful documentary serves as a reminder of the genesis of the party eleven years ago

EFF statement on the release of our new documentary “The Clarion Call”

28 May 2024

As we stand on the brink of a pivotal election, the EFF calls upon all South Africans to watch our ground-breaking documentary, "The Clarion Call," now streaming on our YouTube channel.

This powerful documentary serves as a reminder of the genesis of the EFF eleven years ago, born from the expulsion of our leaders from the ANC and the deep betrayal of the South African people by the ANC. It traces how the EFF emerged from this betrayal and the disgruntlement of the youth, driven by a mission following the devastating killing of workers in Marikana. Our founders created a party of the people, a beacon of hope for those who felt abandoned.

The documentary showcases the EFF's triumphs: holding the executive accountable, leaving an indelible mark in Parliament and provincial assemblies, fearlessly speaking truth to power, and never backing down from a fight. Additionally, it boldly examines the formidable challenges of radical politics in South Africa, where media and capital are still predominantly controlled by white interests.

Moreover, "The Clarion Call" illuminates the fortitude of our President, CIC Julius Malema. His resolute guidance has propelled the EFF to unprecedented heights, establishing him as a revolutionary, a charismatic leader, and the beating heart of our movement.

Head over to the EFF YouTube channel to immerse yourself in the untold narrative, a testament to the origins of our battle for economic emancipation in this generation. Let this documentary reignite your passion and conviction as we journey back to the genesis of our movement. Let it stir within you the resolve to cast your ballot for the EFF, a consistent champion of the masses, ever echoing the rallying cry: Aluta continua, vitöria é certa!

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 28 May 2024