The DA Federal Council meeting over the weekend drew huge attention, with analysts and experts predicting that the election of the DA’s new Federal Council Chair and other outcomes of this weekend’s meeting, will determine the party’s future trajectory, moving towards a more classic liberal political posture with Helen Zille’s victory in that regard.
In true South African fashion, the issue has in the end been reduced to race, with some saying old, white liberals wanted to take back “their party” from Maimane and the DA’s “black caucus.” Whilst reflecting on all this, the stark reality hit home for me again that 25 years into our democracy, South Africa remains a highly racialised society with race affecting almost every issue, evidenced by the social media uproar over the profiling of Dros rapist Nicolas Ninow.
Many people claimed on social media that there was an attempt to portray Nicolas Ninow as a victim worthy of some sympathy (this is where modernity’s trend towards behavioural psychology becomes a tad problematic I guess) based on his upbringing ,as opposed to a monster who raped an innocent child, something which would never be accorded a black person in the same position.
Juxtapose all this with the increasingly loud accusations that the ANC has been fueling the increased racialisation of South African society to deflect from its own failings over the past 25 years. How true is this accusation ceteris paribus? (ironic, because they are not and this is the real challenge to deracialising South African society, but more on that later).
The ANC inherited a highly racialised South African society in 1994, with white privilege and black impoverishment being the order of the day. Has this in any way changed over the past 25 years? The ANC came into power under Nelson Mandela with high ideals of building a “non-racial, non-sexist, united, prosperous South Africa” that was for all through its National Democratic Revolution, a “Rainbow Nation” as some called it, but in order to move towards this ideal, the ANC was faced with the burden of dealing with the highly sensitive matter of a historical injustice against black people that needed redress.
It is an interesting side note that despite this high ideal of non-racialism and the ahistorical attempts of white South Africans to isolate Mandela’s non-racial posture from that of the ANC and to posthumously claim him as “one of their own” who they would vote for if he was alive and in power, white South Africans by and large did not vote for the ANC under Mandela’s leadership in 1994 and instead mostly went with their “swart gevaar” inclinations in exercising their right to vote in the first democratic election. What this in essence says, is that from the onset, white South Africans to a large extent never really bought into the ANC’s non-racial vision.