"Moneyweb vs Fin24: How it could upend our media" - MarkLives

And four other great media and marketing reads on the website this week including...

Analysis: Moneyweb vs Fin24 - and how it could upend our media

In a legal clash that shows all the signs of setting the tone - and the legal precedent - for our entire industry for decades to come, why is everyone sitting back and leaving it up to corporate lawyers and high court judges to define what is, and isn't, allowed to.

SAARF/MarkLives #Top40TVratings: Generations rules the roost

MarkLives and the South African Audience Research Foundation is collaborating to publish a weekly round up of South Africa's TV audience viewership.

YouTube Views: Increasing the shareability of your YouTube videos

The best and most simple way to get YouTube viewers engaged in your content is by showing them something that causes them to experience strong emotions.

What adland should learn in 2014 from 2013

What lessons can South Africa's advertising agencies learn from the year that was? We offer a few.

Ad of the Week: Bewitching MWEB radio ad brews up trouble

Everything your average person knows about witches (or warlocks) comes from plays such as Macbeth, or from fables and stereotypes that are perpetuated by society. Which is why it was fun to stumble across the new MWEB radio ad by M&C Saatchi Abel, in which traditional Xhosa occultists are the protagonists.

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