National shutdown: Higher education must take pre-emptive action - DASO

EFF’s threats of denying individuals their rights are undeniably illegal

DASO calls on institutions of higher learning to take pre-emptive action ahead of the EFF National Shutdown

17 March 2023

The Democratic Alliance Students Organisation (DASO) calls on the leadership bodies of all institutions of higher learning to urgently take preventative action ahead of the EFF’s “national shutdown” on the 20th of March.

DASO has noted that the EFFSC (the student wing of the EFF) has pledged to support the EFF’s attempt at disrupting the country on the 20th of March.

The President of the EFFSC, Sihle Lonzi, is foolishly calling for all stakeholders within the higher education sector to stay at home on the day. In what sounded like a robotic reading of a script written by Mbuyiseni Ndlozi’s left foot, he extended this warning to stakeholders from bus owners to the leadership of institutions and subsequently called upon students to join this foolish, violent and unlawful cause.

Lonzi’s call must be unequivocally rejected.

DASO also notes the number of videos circulating from members of the EFF calling on South Africans to participate and simultaneously intimidating those who do not join.

DASO is also aware of the ramifications that a potential shutdown could have on the higher education sector. The ill-conceived call from Lonzi stands to do the following:

Deny students the right to education as per Section 29(1) of the Constitution of South Africa;

Negatively impact the mental health of many students through intimidation and violence;

Disrupt the carefully constructed calendar of institutions and disrupt academic progress; and

Damages to property

DASO is an ancillary of the Democratic Alliance (DA) and thus, subscribes to the values of the party. The DA stands for the rule of law and is committed to constitutional democracy. These values stand in direct contrast and opposition to the plans of the toothless EFFSC.

The EFFSC’s threats of denying individuals their rights are undeniably illegal. Peaceful protests are protected by our cherished constitution and DASO will always support and defend this right regardless of the protesting party.

However, the rights of one individual should never infringe upon the rights of another. Therefore, the EFFSC’s planned right-infringing parade must be stopped before the proverbial bullet leaves the proverbial chamber.

DASO thus calls upon all institutions that aim on going forward with business as usual on the 20th of March to ensure that the EFFSC’s plans are unsuccessful. The leadership of all institutions must endeavour to utilise all available legal avenues to ensure that academic activities and the rights of students are properly protected on the day.

Power to the students of South Africa!

No student left behind!

Issued by Liam Jacobs, DA Students Organisation Federal Leader, 17 March 2023