Parliamentary disgrace
18 February 2020
Predictably, the State of the Nation Address at the opening of Parliament was disrupted and held up for more than an hour by a small political party, the EFF, representing 10% of the voters.
My wife and I were not there for the disgraceful exhibition; although invited by Opposition Chief Whip Natasha Mazzone as her special guests, we were unable to accept. Perhaps it was just as well. Having served in Parliament for many years, it would have pained me to see the utter contempt which the EFF shows for the rights of MPs and for Parliament.
Wearing their boring red overalls and domestic workers' costumes - a patronising gesture that has worn thin by now - EFF members, led by Julius Malema, showed they care nothing for constitutional democracy
Particularly sad was the contempt displayed towards Speaker Modise. Apart from occupying a key position in a constitutional democracy, she is a kind and decent person with a remarkable record of service in the fight for democracy in our country. To my knowledge, not one of the EFF MPs has a comparable record. They do not believe their elders and betters should be treated politely and with respect. This should not surprise; after all, these are the people who encourage university students to burn down buildings to demonstrate their anger.