As dire as the unemployment figures for the second quarter of 2021 are, they foretell an even worse reading for the next quarter. Not included are the effects of the riots, disruptions and looting that plunged the economies of our two main industrial centres, Gauteng and Durban into paralysis and a destruction of infrastructure unprecedented in our history.
These events will add nearly 150,000 more people to our jobless queues. It speaks of the terrible inequalities that exist in our society and of an economy that has excluded and thrust the poor to the margins of society. We have become a society dependent on the meagre hand-outs offered to nearly a third of the population, which has deprived these people of any self-respect and dignity.
The figures speak of a failed state. Less than 15 million people are employed, nearly 8 million are unemployed and at least 3,3 million are discouraged work seekers, who have given up ever finding work and joined the ranks of those that rely on welfare.
Not economically active people of working age number 13,5 million, which means that just shy of 40 million people of working age (between 15-64 years) do not earn any income. No wonder then that more than 50% of the population exists or survives on an income which is below the poverty line.
Unemployment amongst our youth is nearly 60% and conventional wisdom says that one out of every two young people will never find work in the formal sector. What a bleak future we have bequeathed our youth!
Accompanying these horrific statistics are a slew of dreadful metrics which paint a portrait of a dysfunctional state; highest murder rate per capita and getting worse; gender based violence out of control, highest rape rate even though most rapes are not reported, rapes of children is a national disease, teen pregnancy levels are reaching new peaks since covid-19; and despite all the lockdowns to try to restrict the spread of Covid, deaths in excess of normal deaths that are the worst in the world.