Iraq: ISIS beheading children, putting their heads on sticks - ACDP

Cheryllyn Dudley says SA govt must ensure the global community doesn't turn a blind eye to horrendous situation

ACDP appalled by beheading of children in Iraq

ACDP Member of Parliament, Cheryllyn Dudley, today responded to shocking news reports saying that ISIS militants are carrying out the beheading of children in Iraq.

National spokesman for Iraqi Christians and Chaldean-American businessman Mark Arabo last week told CNN's Jonathan Mann that, "They are systematically beheading children, and mothers and fathers. The world hasn't seen an evil like this for a generation. There's actually a park in Mosul that they've actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick".

Dudley said that she will urgently call on President Jacob Zuma and International Relations Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, to do everything they can to ensure the global community does not turn a blind eye to this horrendous situation.

"I will also try to make contact with the Ambassador of Iraq in South Africa to find out more about the situation and how SA can be most helpful at this time.

"The ACDP is appalled and heartbroken for families and communities and calls on the world to say NO to Islamic extremism, terrorism and cruelty", she added.

Statement issued by Cheryllyn Dudley MP, ACDP Chief Whip, August 11 2014

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