82.7% of provincial hospitals achieve energy benchmark – DA WCape

Dept has gone above and beyond to ensure hospitals and clinics stayed insulated against load shedding

82.7% of hospitals achieve energy benchmark as WC Health Department insulates against loadshedding

23 October 2023

The Western Cape’s Department of Health and Wellness today tabled its 2022/2023 Annual Report in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Despite a challenging year -which has seen the Department deal with loadshedding, a measles outbreak, and the aftermath of the Covid pandemic - the Department has excelled, achieving more than 70% of its targets. This metric provides clear evidence that the Department continues to put the health and wellbeing of the Western Cape’s citizens first.

Of particular note were the Department’s efforts against the persistent threat of loadshedding, which continues to wreak havoc at healthcare facilities across the country. With many life-sustaining systems reliant on a continuous stream of electricity, the Department has gone above and beyond to ensure hospitals and clinics stayed insulated against load shedding.

More than R100 million was spent on fuel for generators in the reporting period, while the Department simultaneously worked with Eskom and the City of Cape Town to ensure the exemption of 10 hospitals across the province. Additionally, the Department has invested heavily in Uninterrupted Power Supplies for various facilities. Through its efforts, the Department ensured that 82.7% of hospitals achieved the provincial benchmark for energy consumption.

The Department also achieved its fourth consecutive clean audit, once again proving that fiscal responsibility and respect for public funds are integral to the institutional culture of the organisation.

DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Health Gerrit Pretorius says: “I commend the Department of Health and Wellness on overcoming a challenging and difficult year while maintaining the superior standard of healthcare for which the Western Cape is known. The Department has demonstrated its capacity for innovation and excellence despite strong headwinds, especially as it relates to persistent loadshedding, over the course of the reporting period. For many of our residents, the Department’s efforts have proved to literally save lives. The DA congratulates the Department and its staff on their progress and achievements over the year, and looks forward to further successes in the next.”

Issued by Gerrit Pretorius, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Health, 23 October 2023