ANC exploited MEC Tate Makgoe’s funeral – EFF FState

Fighters not surprised by findings by PP of irregular expenditure under leadership of Mxolisi Dukwana

EFF Free State statement on the findings by the Public Protector of irregular expenditure on the funeral of former MEC Tate Makgoe

4 July 2024

The EFF notes the recent report from the Office of the Public Protector, which confirms the irregular appointment of service providers and financial mismanagement by the Free State Provincial Govemment under the leadership of Mxolisi Dukwana.

In classic ANC style, they exploited a very somber and tragic time in the province by bypassing all legislative prescripts to enrich themselves with the funeral of the late Member of Executive, Mr Tate Makgoe, and his protector(s). Something that the ANC also did with the funeral of the former statesman President Mandela.

The Public Protector's findings have vindicated the EFF who tabled a motion of no confidence against Dukwana for this gross financial misconduct and disregard of the oath he took as premier. The findings further illuminate the gross incompetence of the ANC-led govemment in the Free State, and that they continue to fail in the duty to safeguard public resources.

Although we acknowledge the report, we note that the remedial recommendations of the Public Protector, do not seek to hold the former premier of the Free State; Mxolisi Dukwana accountable, even though all this mismanagement happened during his term in office. He too should be held accountable.

If Dukwana or the ANC have any shred of integrity and dignity then he should resign or be recalled as the Speaker of the Provincial Legislature. Dukwana failed to ensure that the constitution and its legislative frameworks were followed during his tenure as Premier. Having a conflicted individual like Dukwana heading the legislative arm of the state is a massive disregard of the people of the province.

This gross mismanagement highlights the urgent need for a new era of accountability and transparency in the Free State. The number of damning reports and investigations against the ANC-led govemment in the Free State show that they have no regard for the people of this province.

As the EFF we will continue to have an unwavering commitment to exposing the rampant mismanagement of taxpayer funds. We will make sure that the current Premier follows through with the recommendations of the Public Protector in holding those responsible for such flagrant abuses of power.

As the EFF in the Free State, we will forge forward with robust engagements and stringent oversight measures to safeguard the people of this province to ensure effective service delivery and upholding of fiscal responsibility.

Issued by Mapheule Liphoko, Provincial Chairperson, EFF FS, 4 July 2024