SG meets US Ambassador – ANC

Movement firmly but cordially reiterated the centrality of the party’s approach to international relations

ANC Secretary General meets United Sates of America Ambassador

17 May 2023

The ANC Secretary General met with the Ambassador of the United States of America to South Africa. This follows widespread media coverage of what the ambassador termed “anti-American sentiments expressed by the governing party” and allegations that the South African government was at the forefront of arming Russia. The Ambassador reiterated his apology as conveyed by Comrade Naledi Pandor, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation in the Republic.

Whilst the meeting was cordial the Secretary General firmly reiterated the centrality of the ANC's approach to international relations. This is a position rooted in the theory of National Democratic Revolution and is directed by its historical mission and the principle of the Freedom Charter that "There shall be Peace and Friendship".

Since its formation, the ANC's political, economic, and ideological ethos has been progressive Internationalism, Pan-Africanism, and international and continental solidarity. Our historical mission is to contribute to the building of a better Africa and a better world that is humane, just, equitable, democratic, and free.

The ANC moves from the premise that our international relations policy is informed by our domestic policy which is based the following: Human rights, poverty eradication, economic development, employment creation, workers' rights, and other NDR objectives. These principles are all intertwined with our pursuit of long-term regional and continental peace and development.

The ANC remains committed to and is an integral part of the Progressive International Revolutionary Movement to liberate humanity from the bondage of imperialism and neo- colonialism.

The meeting discussed the importance of the relationship between the people of South Africa and the people of the United States of America. Whilst there may be points of divergence on certain issues we remain committed to diplomatic engagements to resolve challenges on matters of common interests. The meeting agreed to hold a bilateral meeting with the ANC's NEC Subcommittee on international relations.

The ANC will continue to engage with members of diplomatic corps in South Africa, as we believe that through dialogue, we can bring resolution to our collective challenges.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 17 May 2023