ANC announces appointment of key communications officials

Martina Della Togna steps into the role of National Communication Manager

ANC announces appointment of key communications officials

1 February 2024

As part of strengthening its communication machinery, the African National Congress (ANC) has filled two key positions in the Department of Communication, Information and Publicity (DCIP) and is pleased to announce the appointment of Comrade Martina Della Togna in the role of National Communication Manager and Comrade Mothusi Shupinyane ka Ndaba as Media Liaison Officer based at Chief Albert Luthuli House, Johannesburg.

Both comrades are seasoned cadres who have served the ANC and the broader democratic movement with distinction and selflessness over many years.

Comrade Martina is an experienced communications professional, award-winning documentary filmmaker and social justice activist who served in the national leadership of the student movement, in particular on the NEC of the South African Students Press Union (SASPU) in the early 90's. She went on to work for the ANC Western Cape in the historic first general elections of 1994. She has been an active part of the community media sector informed by her passion for media diversity and the critical importance of freedom of expression in South Africa. Comrade Martina served a 5-year term as Parliament's first Multimedia Manager where she introduced critical changes to Parliamentary communications, enhancing public participation through multimedia and digital technologies. She most recently served two terms as non-executive board member of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). She holds an MFA in Film Production and is currently pursuing her PhD. She brings to the DCIP her experience in filmmaking, creative production and multimedia campaign management.

Comrade Mothusi is an accomplished communicator with vast experience and skills in different areas of communication. His passion for communication emerged during his days in the ANC Youth League. He served as a Media Liaison Manager for the ANC in the North West for many years, providing strategic direction and political content to the communication campaigns of the province. Among other things, he also served as Assistant Manager of Media Liaison at the South African National NGO Coalition (SANGOCO).

He has worked on both International and national projects including the 2001 War Against Racism conference held in Durban and the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development. Comrade Mothusi holds a National Diploma in Journalism, a certificate in project management and is currently pursuing his MBA. Comrade Mothusi's reputation as a professional communicator who is respected by his peers and the media industry will contribute immensely to the work of the DCIP.

The ANC wishes to thank the outgoing Acting National Communications Manager, Comrade JP Louw, for the valuable role he has played in leading the DCIP over the past year.

The ANC is confident that the incoming comrades have the skills, experience, passion and commitment to succeed in their respective positions.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 1 February 2024