Arrest and Prosecute Aurora directors - NUM

Union says action needs to be taken over messed up mines

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) notes and welcomes the Aurora liquidators statement and the progress thereof. The NUM calls on the liquidators to take drastic measurers either in the form of civil or criminal action or both against Aurora directors for leaving the mines in the mess they are now in.

The National Union of Mineworkers has for a period of two years raised its concerns about the state of the mines and these concerns fell on deaf ears. "We wonder why no action was taken by the liquidators for a period of two years" says Frans Baleni, the NUM General Secretary.

The union calls on the Master Court to institute an investigation into the conduct of the two dismissed liquidators, one of whom referred himself as a lead liquidator. The investigation must focus on all the Pamodzi assets including the one sold to Harmony in the Free State where there has been allegations of improper conduct relating to fees charged.

The NUM appreciates the manner in which progress is now being made by the liquidators and appeals to them to ensure that the Aurora Directors are brought to book as soon as possible.

Statement issued by Lesiba Seshoka, NUM National Spokesman, June 15 2011

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