Aurora's lies pathetic - NUM

Union appeals to labour dept to send silly company to the dogs

NUM congratulates Department on Aurora compliance order

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) congratulates the Department of Labour on its continuous efforts to ensure that Aurora workers get their dues. The NUM is pleased by news of a successful application by the Department to obtain another compliance order which will this time around force the beleaguered Aurora Company to eventually pay the workers at Orkney.

The NUM is however highly disturbed by the monotonous irresponsible utterances made by Aurora that it is the unions themselves who are to blame for the ill-fate of the company. The NUM is outraged by the pathetic lies told to the Portfolio Committee by Aurora that it has paid 80% of the workers at Orkney whilst it has not done so.

We appeal to the Department of Labour to remain unshaken and ensure that that the silly company is sent to the dogs. The NUM will not and never be idle when its members are ill-treated irrespective of how powerful those in the leadership or management are.

"What we have witnessed yesterday and heard from Aurora is nothing but recycled untruths put in new bottles" says Joe Montisetsi, the Num‘s Regional Secretary for Matlosana. "We are going to sit on any other company that has aspirations of accumulating its wealth at the expense of the poor and the marginalized" he says.

Statement issued by Lesiba Seshoka, NUM spokesman, April 14 2011

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