BOSA will hold GNU accountable

Party says it will make sure the new govt actual delivers on new agenda

BOSA will hold GNU accountable on the actual delivery of its new agenda

18 July 2024

The positive sentiment borne from the newly formed Government of National Unity (GNU) has birthed much hope within South African society. It is within this context that citizens watched this evening’s Opening of Parliament Address (OPA) by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Following the outcome of this year’s elections which forced a multiparty coalition government, the President was handed a golden opportunity to push forward a reform agenda which was previously unpopular within his own party.

A new government would be served well with a shift from politics to a policy and programme-oriented focus. A fresh approach to creating new jobs, growing the economy, fixing basic education, building safer communities and ensuring it is governed by an ethical, capable state. There should have been more boldness from the President in pushing forward a reform agenda.

The President has made many pronouncements as he has done in years gone by. Government is judged on one thing only: implementation and delivery. The jury is out as to whether this GNU is able to deliver on the ideas and direction the President set out this evening. And this is where Build One South Africa (BOSA) will play our constructive role in Parliament – to ensure this happens with speed.

Ahead of the address, BOSA set out five clear expectations for the President and his GNU. These were:

A commitment to an economic plan focused on growth initiatives

A commitment to overhauling the public education system

A commitment to resolving troubles at State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), particularly Eskom and Transnet

A commitment to respecting and strengthening Parliament

A commitment to streamlining Cabinet and cutting perks

BOSA will participate in tomorrow’s debate in Parliament to make a stand for the 61 million South Africans who must always be at the centre of government’s plans and programmes.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 18 July 2024