Mmusi Maimane elected Chairperson of Committee on Appropriations – BOSA

Leader will ensure the committee performs in its responsibility to hold wrongdoers accountable

BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane elected Chairperson of Parliament’s Standing Committee on Appropriations

10 July 2024

Build One South Africa (BOSA) congratulates party leader, Mmusi Maimane MP, on his election today as Chairperson of Parliament’s Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCOA).

A vital financial and budget orientated committee, the mandate of SCOA includes all areas of government spending, amendments to key pieces of legislation (Division of Revenue Bill, Appropriation Bill), recommendations of the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC), and consideration of reports on actual expenditure published by the National Treasury.

In accepting the chair, Maimane said he would ensure the committee performs in its responsibility to provide both oversight of the way government spends public money, and hold any wrongdoers accountable.

We wish Mr Maimane well in this new role in the 7th Parliament.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 10 July 2024