It is now time for a multi-party National Convention – BOSA

Party says this is necessary to establish SA’s next national government

It is now time for a multi-party National Convention to establish SA’s next national government

25 June 2024

Build One South Africa (BOSA) has this morning written to President Cyril Ramaphosa, requesting that he urgently establishes a National Convention – composed of all 18 Parliamentary Parties – with a mandate to decide on the purpose, agenda and scope of a new Government of National Unity (GNU).

Today 60 million South Africans sit anxiously waiting as negotiations between parties continue under the veil of secrecy. There is now a clear deadlock between the ANC and the DA over government positions, patronage and access to state power. South Africa deserves better.

A National Convention offers the most democratic and transparent pathway to agreeing on the composition of a new national government that is values-based and delivery-based.

It cannot be a patronage and power grab government where the focus is on handing out positions to parties in exchange for cooperation. Instead positions in government can only be assigned after a decision is made on the direction of government.

BOSA is adamant that decisions pertaining to this new government – and its agenda - are informed by the interests of every citizen, not just the special interests of established parties.

The National Convention’s agenda ought to be straightforward. It requires all parties to act in an honest, transparent and accountable manner to form a new government based on the following tenets:

- A firm commitment to non-racialism

- Upholding and defending Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law

- Pursuit of justice through redress

- Strengthening Parliamentary oversight over the Executive

- A Governance Plan that focuses on:

o   Growing a mixed economy that creates jobs

o   Fixing Eskom, Transnet and other SOEs

o   Eradicating crime and corruption

o   Reforming education

o   Instilling ethical leadership in all spheres

South Africa is in uncharted political territory following last month’s elections which saw no one party win a majority. This means all political parties will need to work together not just to form a government, but to govern well for all 60 million South Africans and to create jobs, end crime and corruption and rebuild the education system.

A National Convention is the most appropriate way to build public trust and communicate an agenda that delivers for all 60 million South Africans.

Issued by Roger Solomons, Acting Spokesperson, BOSA, 25 June 2024