Our position on GNU – BOSA

Party says it cannot commit to or reject any GNU without knowing or agreeing to actual agenda of said govt

BOSA’s position of Government of National Unity (GNU) 

13 June 2024

Tomorrow the National Assembly (NA) will sit for the first time to elect the next President of South Africa, alongside the assembly’s Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

After no one party won a majority in last month’s elections, the air is filled with speculation and uncertainty as to the composition of South Africa’s next government.

We stand at a formative crossroad that will shape the future of our country for decades to come. This moment demands inclusive, level-headed leadership.

It is BOSA’s belief that all decisions about the shape of our new government are to be informed by the interests of all 60 million citizens, not just the 16 million who voted in the election.

BOSA is aware of several political parties making pronouncements on coalitions, governments of national unity and holding private and secret negotiations behind closed doors. This is not in the spirit of unity and inclusive nation building.

We have thus proposed a meeting with the leaders of all 18 Parliamentary parties, chaired by a neutral individual, to address this. The purpose of the meeting would be to decide on the agenda of any Government of National Unity (GNU), which is the preferred option of the biggest party in South Africa, the ANC.

We cannot commit to or reject any GNU without knowing or agreeing to the actual agenda of said government. 

BOSA will entertain a conversation with any parties who agree to coalescing around the following principles:

- A firm commitment to non-racialism

- Upholding and defending Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law

- Pursuit of justice through redress

- Strengthening Parliamentary oversight over the Executive

- A Governance Plan that focuses on:

Growing a mixed economy that creates jobs

Fixing Eskom, Transnet and other SOEs

Eradicating crime and corruption

Reforming education

Instilling ethical leadership in all spheres

In the case whereby a Government of National Unity is not agreed upon, BOSA is amenable to working with parties on an issue-by-issue basis in line with the principles outlined above.

Finally, BOSA will not pursue governance for governance’s sake. Our organisation is young and holds infinite potential for growth in the coming years. Ultimately, our focus is to build structures ahead of the 2026 Local Government Elections and the 2029 National and Provincial Elections.

We are in it for the long haul as South Africa continues along what will be a long and unpredictable trajectory of change.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 13 June 2024