DA submits PAIA application for GDE R432m PPE corruption report

This contains crucial information on how Lesufi's dept managed to blow huge sum of money within three months

DA submits PAIA application to access GDE R432 million PPE corruption report

28 February 2023

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng has submitted a Promotion of Access to Information (PAIA) application to force the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) to fully make public the R432 million Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) corruption report.

The GDE advised the Auditor General that the report would be completed at the end of September last year. However, the DA has been reliably informed that the MEC has the report but not doing anything about it.

It is of utmost importance for the Gauteng residents to know how the funds which were meant to decontaminate schools and safeguard their learners were used.

The report contains crucial information on how GDE managed to blow over R400 million within three months.

It has been five months since the Auditor General (AG) probed the matter, and the department committed to releasing the report, but to date, it has not happened.

This has been one of many other promises that the department has failed to accomplish.

The DA will continue to use all the mechanisms at our disposal in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) to force the department to make the report public. We will also continue to demand transparency and accountability from this department.

Issued by Khume Ramulifho, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Education, 28 February 2023