DA Seeks answers on $145 million raised for Climate Change Programme
8 March 2023
The Democratic Alliance (DA) has submitted written questions to the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) requesting a detailed breakdown on where $145 million received from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has been allocated.
In a DFFE portfolio committee meeting where the second quarter performance report was presented, it was revealed that $145 million was raised under the climate change, air quality and sustainable development program. What remained conspicuous by its absence though was transparency over where this $145 million had been allocated and what mechanisms have been put in place to ensure parliamentary and public accountability on the use of these funds.
In light of the recent allegations by former ESKOM CEO, Andre De Ruyter, over high-level corruption in South Africa’s $8.5 billion Just Energy Transition deal, it is imperative that absolute transparency is adopted in the use of funds that aim to tackle South Africa’s climate change programmes.
South Africa is extremely vulnerable to climate change impacts as extreme weather events become more frequent, threatening food security and the health and safety of vulnerable communities. The urgency underpinning the successful roll-out of programmes on the just transition, adaptation and building resilience in communities requires the highest level of transparency and accountability.