Suspend SAPS official for allegedly assaulting a woman – Hannah Winkler

DA MP says it is inconceivable that an official tasked with protecting the vulnerable is accused such a heinous act of violence

DA calls for suspension of SAPS official for allegedly assaulting a woman in holding cell

9 December 2022

The DA in Msunduzi yesterday held a picket (view here and here) and handed over a memorandum to the Mountain Rise South African Police Service (SAPS) officials, calling for the immediate suspension of the SAPS official that allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in one of their holding cells earlier this week.

We have also requested a meeting with the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) to establish the progress made so far into the investigation.

It is inconceivable that a SAPS official tasked with the responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in the community is alleged to be the perpetrator of such a heinous act of violence on a woman, abusing his position of authority.

The month of November marks 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Yet, the perpetual acts of violence against women and children continue unabated. Dubbed the “Rape Capital” of the country, the government has seemingly failed to protect the most vulnerable in our province.

As the DA, we will continue to fight for a swift and thorough investigation into this alleged sexual assault.

Issued by Hannah Winkler, DA Midlands Constituency Head, 9 December 2022