Cancer machines kaput at Charlotte Maxeke - Jack Bloom

DA MPL says Phambili Hospital Products hasn't paid Siemens and so servicing hasn't been done


Cancer patients are losing out at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesbug Academic Hospital as a payment dispute has led to machinery breakdown that has delayed treatment in many cases for three months or more.

Both of the brachytherapy machines used to treat cervical cancer are not working since 23 March this year.

Two of the seven cobalt external radiation machines are  broken, and the five others keep breaking down.

The problem is that Siemens is refusing to service the machines as they have not been paid by Phambili Hospital Products, which is the intermediary company that has a contract with the Gauteng Health Department. The Department claims that Phambili has actually been paid, so the fault appears to lie with Phambili.

This payment dispute needs to be resolved urgently as it is hindering the survival chances of cancer patients.

I am deeply suspicious as to why there is an intermediary company at all instead of a direct contract with Siemens. We should not have to pay higher costs through an intermediary company that does not deliver, and appears to be there merely because of misdirected empowerment requirements.

This is an emergency situation as waiting periods are increasing, which hinders the survival chances of patients.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Health Spokesman, June 20 2012

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