Climate change legislation on cusp of being released – Committee

This will ensure environmental compliance in context of climate change debates happening around globe

Ground-breaking climate change legislation on cusp of being released in SA

15 September 2023

The Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries and Environment has on Friday, considered and adopted the motion of desirability of the climate change Bill.

The committee heard from the drafting team, from Parliament’s legal division, that the amendments as contained in the A-list were final and that there were no issues or contradictions, and they were in accordance with the rules of Parliament.

The Chairperson of the committee, Mr Ntibi Modise, said the legislation will go a long way in ensuring environmental compliance in the context of the climate change debates currently happening around the globe.

He said: “The work the committee has put into this Bill is highly appreciated and was mostly needed. On behalf of the committee, I can proudly say this is a historic piece of legislation which our country needs, as in yesterday.”

Mr Modise said the committee and every other South African were committed to live in a world free of anthropogenetic environmental disasters.

The Climate Change Bill, whose primary purpose is to facilitate effective responses to climate change and a long-term equitable transition to a low carbon and climate resilient economy, was referred to the committee in February 2022. Over 13000 submissions were received, and a number of public hearings were held across the country.

The committee had met earlier to get guidance on clause 10, which concerns the involvement of members of parliament, members of provincial legislatures and councillors in the Presidential Climate Commission (PCC).

It was resolved that serving members of Parliament, MPLs and Councillors, except councillors nominated by the South African Local Government Association, may not become members of the PCC.

The committee will table the Bill in the National Assembly after finalization of the A-list and the B-list.

Issued by Sibongile Maputi, Media Officer, Parliament, 15 September 2023