COSATU and NUM statement on the current wildcat strikes in the mining industry with the full support of the SACP
The members of COSATU affiliates and the NUM in particular will recall that the COSATU 11th National Congress held in September 2012 adopted a special resolution on the Lonmin (Marikana) Platinum mine tragedy, the mining industry, and general poverty wages. We attach the declaration for easy reference.
The wildcat strikes have since spread from platinum mines to the gold mines in Gauteng and the Free State.
We reiterate what we said in the congress - that it is the mine employers in general and Impala bosses in particular who must take full responsibility for all the strikes that are spreading in the mining industry. Impala committed a grave error in offering an 18% increase to one category (miners) to the exclusion of the rest of the workers of Impala and, more seriously, outside the collective bargaining process.
Expectations have been raised not by the NUM but by the employers and the recent mine workers' strikes are a response to the employers' miscalculation.
We wish to emphasize that the employers have made a grave error that now threatens every foundation of the industrial relations systems in the country. The collective bargaining system is currently under threat not because of the NUM but because the employers miscalculated. Lonmin should have known that getting wage negotiations to be facilitated by the churches and allowing everybody, no matter their legal status, to play a role in the negotiations will create precedents that they will not be willing to repeat anywhere else. In the process a wrong impression was created that the Lonmin deal was negotiated by AMCU and the churches and that workers received close to their demand of R12 500. Nothing can be further to the truth. The reality is that it is the NUM that won a 10% increase on wages for Lonmin workers and it is the NUM that agreed that the negotiations be brought forward so that current demands of workers can be accommodated.