Commitment to mining community development reaffirmed – ANC

Party says it has taken decisive steps to ensure that the Marikana tragedy remains a lesson that guides our future

ANC reaffirms commitment to mining community development and worker protection in honor of the Marikana tragedy

16 August 2024

The African National Congress (ANC) reflects on the Marikana tragedy with profound grief and a renewed commitment to ensuring that such a calamity never occurs again. Twelve years ago, from 12 to 16 August 2012, the Marikana community in the North West Province witnessed the tragic loss of 38 miners, 2 police officers, and 2 security personnel with 78 miners seriously injured. This tragedy represents a painful chapter in our country post-1994.

The ANC-led sixth administration has taken decisive steps to ensure that the Marikana tragedy remains a lesson that guides our future. It has championed the protection of mineworkers through rigorous enforcement of safety standards and labour rights across the mining industry. The enactment and reinforcement of key legislation, underscore our determination to safeguard the lives and dignity of all workers.

We acknowledge that the responsibility for uplifting mining communities must be shared among all stakeholders, including mining companies. We note that the Sixth Administration engaged in partnerships aimed at transforming the socio-economic landscape of communities like Marikana.

These initiatives included the construction of schools, housing, and health facilities to meet the needs of these communities. We continue to hold mining companies accountable for their role in ensuring the sustainable development of the areas where they operate.

The Marikana tragedy serves as a constant reminder of the need to respect the rights and welfare of those who labour in the mining industry. We pledge to continue our efforts to ensure that mineworkers are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve, and that their contributions to the economy are recognized and valued.

As we honour the memory of those who perished in Marikana, the ANC renews its pledge to work tirelessly towards a future where the safety, well-being, and dignity of all workers are protected.

We are resolved to build a just and equitable society where such a tragedy can never reoccur.

Issued by Zuko Godlimpi, Acting National Spokesperson, 16 August 2024