COSATU right on Adcorp - NUM

Union says company's labour analysts have peddled mischievous pathetic lies

NUM fully agrees and backs COSATU on Adcorp reports

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) fully agrees with the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) that many of Adcorp reports are nothing else but fallacious fabrications of the truth and an "ideological warfare" meted against the poorest of the poor. Adcorp, particularly through its so-called labour analysts has been at the forefront of mischievous pathetic lies.

The NUM has long noted all these and in our statement issued two weeks ago, we pointed our misgivings at the continuous propaganda meted onto the working class. For instance, Adcorp has been at the forefront of labeling the South African labour force as lazy and unproductive and for that we revealed as follows in our statement:

NUM pours cold water over "unproductive" workforce claims

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has noted the propaganda that has been fed to the media by some so-called labour analysts months on end that says that the South African labour force is unproductive. Contrary to all that, mining companies in particular have been posting impressive results. Gold One, the JSE- and Australian Securities Exchange listed company has for example announced a more than double revenue from A$32,587m for the six months to June last year to A$75.065 million (R564.9m) for the six months to June this year. In addition, African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) posted a 94% increment in headline earnings to R3.32 billion for the year end to June.

De Beers Consolidated Mines announced in July this year that at half-year, it produced 15,5 million carats of diamonds with pretax profits totaling $951m compared with $484m a year ago, and $863m for the full year last year.

It is therefore disingenuous, dishonest and ridiculous to argue that the South African mining labour force is unproductive when results point to the contrary. The South African mining industry and its so-called analysts should learn to be honest for honesty is the best policy and it is through honesty that trust is earned.

Statement issued by Lesiba Seshoka, NUM national spokesperson, September 13 2011

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