DA appalled by how farming food producers being treated – Carin Visser

MP says Eskom and ANC govt need to understand that without a functional agricultural sector, nation will go hungry

The DA is appalled by how farming food producers are being treated

20 January 2023

Note to Editors: Please find an attached soundbite by Carin Visser MP 

Eskom and the ANC government are guilty of failing to shield the farming community from the damage brought on by ongoing blackouts, as farmers whose operations were impacted by stage 6 loadshedding have received little to no support.

While loadshedding affects everyone, Eskom and the ANC government need to understand that without a functional agricultural sector, the nation will go hungry. It is for this very reason that the agriculture was classified as an essential service at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Eskom paid little notice to the damaged transformer in Herman Du Preez's farm, which resulted in the death of 50,000 chickens, even though it was notified on December 14th. It has also shown how little this ANC led institution cares about national food security, not to mention the possibility of job losses brought on by the loss of fifty thousand chickens and the high cost of petrol.

The Agri Northwest can rest assured that the DA is not going to leave the devastating effects of load shedding in the farmers' hands only. We thank all food producers for the role they play in ensuring that North West (NW) communities are food secured.

The DA has requested the Chairperson on the Portfolio of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development to invite both Eskom management and Minister Thoko Didiza to come and account and provide improvised scheduling and exclusionary measures for farmers.

The DA Western Cape has, jointly with the farmers, put together a localized 10 point plan to address loadshedding that include, amongst others, agreeing with Eskom on alternative loadshedding schedules to accommodate farmers irrigating crops, delivering milk from dairies, farmers with feedlots for cattle and raising chickens in temperature regulating housing, and or any food producing line to ensure food security.

DA NW is calling on the Premier, Hon Bushy Maape and MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture to fight for all food producing farmers against ANC led Eskom loadshedding it is important that the executive provide proper oversight on the work of Eskom in the support. As the DA, we support litigation against Eskom by farmers affected by loadshedding restoring stability to produce food for our people.

Issued by Carin Visser, DA Member of the Select Committee Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development, 20 January 2023