DA mourns with victims of Boksburg gas tanker explosion

Party conveys sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones

DA mourns with victims of Boksburg gas tanker explosion

Date: 24 December 2022

Release: Immediate

Today, as most of us are preparing for Christmas celebrations with family and loved ones, the families of the victims claimed by the gas tanker explosion in Boksburg, during the early hours of this morning, are facing a much bleaker reality.

We wish to convey our sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones and a speedy recovery to those still in recuperation following the horrific incident.

The DA thanks everyone who has aided in dealing with this tragedy.

We are reminded of how valuable time with those closest to us are especially during this season.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this trying time.

Statement issued by Solly Malatsi MP - DA National Spokesperson, 24 December 2022