DASO wins UCT 2014 SRC election - Yusuf Cassim

DA Youth Chairperson says party's student organisation won 10 out of 17 seats on council and occupies 4 out of 8 seats on the executive

DASO wins UCT SRC election

7 October 2014

The Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO) at the University of Cape Town (UCT) won the SRC election in a landslide victory. DASO occupies 10 of the 17 seats on the SRC. This is an exceptional victory, as every single DASO SRC candidate has been elected to the SRC. I would like to congratulate them, on behalf of the DA and the DA Youth. They have made us extremely proud.

The SRC constituting meeting took place last night and we are happy to announce that DASO occupies 4 of the 8 seats on the executive. We occupy the President, Vice - President Internal, Treasurer and Undergraduate Academic Chairperson positions on the executive. Under the leadership of our president elect, Khanyisa Baz Pinini, DASO will put UCT students first, as it has done in the past. 

We appreciate the faith and trust that UCT students has placed in our DASO leadership and we will do everything in our power to address and deal with all student challenges on campus. We are excited about the journey ahead and have full confidence in the elected SRC leadership. We have no doubt that a DASO led SRC will make a difference in every student's life on campus in the next year.  

Statement issued by Yusuf Cassim, DA Youth Chairperson, October 7 2014

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