Angie Motshekga doesn't know how many learners have textbooks
A reply to a DA parliamentary question has revealed that the Department of Basic Education has no mechanism in place to regularly monitor access to textbooks for all learners in South Africa.
I will write to the Chairperson of the Basic Education Portfolio Committee, Hope Malgas, requesting that she summon Minister Angie Mothsekga to Parliament to explain how she plans to monitor and improve access to textbooks for all schools and learners in South Africa.
In the parliamentary question, I asked Minister Mothsekga how her department determined the percentage of learners that had their own textbooks for each subject. She responded with statistics based on the findings of the Technical Report of the 2011 School Monitoring Survey, a report that only measures Grade 6's access to Mathematics and Language textbooks and to date, has not been made public.
If the assessment of textbook access in South Africa was last made in 2011, how does Minister Mothsekga know how many learners have textbooks today? Not one of her Department's Annual Reports for the last three financial years has been able to provide a measure of textbook penetration.
The fact is: Minister Motshekga simply does not know.