Departures and displacements - Africa in Fact

The April 2014 edition of the Journal of Good Governance Africa (with links)

This month's Africa in Fact looks at migration and displacement.

Every year, millions of Africans pack their belongings and leave behind families and friends. A hostile environment-war, persecution, insecurity-pushes some to seek refuge. Others leave searching for a job, better education or adventure.

Government performance underlies most migration stories. Improving it promotes voluntary, desirable migration: it matches skills and capital with opportunities in other places. And it also reduces forced migration, allowing people to remain with their families and friends rather than fleeing from war or persecution.

Content may be republished with attribution to Africa in Fact, the journal of Good Governance Africa.

For feedback and queries, please contact John Endres or James Stent.

John Endres
Good Governance Africa


Statisticians on the frontline by Simon Allison

Counting refugees in conflict situations is a dangerous and imprecise task, sometimes clouded by politics

"This life of refugee" by Ben Rawlence

Somalis in Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp occupy the grey spaces of international law

From Mogadishu to Minneapolis, and back by Brian Klaas

The Somali diaspora is a blessing and a curse for the government back home

Diaspora dollars by Felicity Thompson

Africans abroad can help reduce poverty by investing back home

Sinking hope by Kebba Dibba

Thousands of Africans drown every year as they sail to Europe in search of jobs

Rumble in the Belgian bungle by Carol Jean Gallo

Citizenship questions are at the heart of the DRC's conflict

Passage to Africa by Ronak Gopaldas

Indians in Africa: from adventurous seafaring traders to forced labourers to billionaire businessmen

Moving sideways by Shaun Swingler

Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire: even slim increases in potential income draw immigrants from one poor country to another

After the fire, before the rain by Matthew Newsome

South Sudan: a deadly conflict has sent thousands fleeing across Africa's newest border

The latest edition of African in Fact can also be downloaded in PDF format here.

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