Dept of Sports can’t account for almost R30m – DA Gauteng

Party says this money was wasted on social events in the past two financial years

Gauteng Department of Sports fails to account for almost R30 million wasted on social events

12 July 2023

The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation (SACR) has failed to account for R28 million wasted on social events in the past two financial years.

The DA submitted written questions to establish which artists and service providers were paid for social events at various pubs and nightclubs, which cost the department R14 473 205,10 in the 2021/22 financial year and R13 327 380 in the 2022/23 financial year.

The department only accounted for R7 928 767 paid to service providers for comedy shows and beach parties from 2021 to 2023 at various pubs and nightclubs.

This information was revealed by the Gauteng MEC for Sports, Arts, Culture, and Recreation, Morakane Mosupyoe, in a written reply to the DA's written questions tabled by the DA in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature.

It is worrying that the department is failing to account for R20 million spent on social events. This raises suspicions about whether the money was spent on social events or was stolen. Social events are being used as a shield to hide corrupt activities.

Gauteng artists, particularly in the townships, face enormous challenges posed by the lack of resources and funding. This money could have been used to provide support for local artists.

It is concerning that Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi is doing nothing to intervene and ensure that this department delivers on its core mandate and eradicates fruitless and wasteful expenditure.

The DA will table follow-up questions to MEC Morakane Mosupyo to provide a full report on how the unaccounted R28 million was spent. If she fails to do so, the DA will report her to the law enforcement agency to investigate theft and corruption within the department.

Issued by Kingsol Chabalala, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation, 12 July 2023