Did Tourism Minister lie about alleged R150 000 cook-off with Somizi? - Hlanganani Gumbi

DA MP says Kubayi-Ngubane indicated in a parliamentary reply that Somizi Mhlongo-Motaung was never paid for cook-off

Did the Tourism Minister lie about her alleged R150 000 cook-off with Somizi?

17 June 2021

The DA is concerned with new public revelations by celebrity Somizi Mhlongo-Motaung that he invoiced the Department of Tourism for the Minister’s vanity cook-off in the lead up to the budget debate In Parliament. This is following on an interview he did with Check Point where he contradicted a previous response given by the Minister regarding this matter.

Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane indicated in a parliamentary question to the DA that Somizi was never paid for the cook-off. So strong were her words that she went on to say:

“It is also important to state that there was no payment made to Mr Somizi Mhlongo and the department notes with concern the general public perception that he benefited from the event, which is not the case.”

If it is found that the Minister lied, this would be akin to perjury which is a serious violation of her office.

In order to get to the bottom of the facts, the Portfolio Committee on Tourism has a responsibility to hold Minister Kubayi-Ngubane and her department to account on the funds spent.

The tourism sector has been hit hard due to the ANC government’s lockdown and deserves a Minister and department focussed on helping business get back on their feet.

That is why we take this matter seriously because we intend to stamp out this kind grotesque vanity show which doesn’t help those people in the tourism industry who need the help of government.

The DA has written to the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Tourism, Supra Mahumaphela, to request that he urgently call the Committee to reconvene during the constituency period to adjudicate this matter. The Minister must urgently provide clarity to the new contradicting public information.

Statement issued by Hlanganani Gumbi MP - Shadow Deputy Minister of Tourism, 17 June 2021