Disunity in GNU can reverse the gains of transformation – MKP

Party reflects on a catastrophic neo-liberal grand coalition’s first 100 days through the lense of the people’s mandate

Statement on the 100 days in government of the so-called GNU: A reflection on a catastrophic neo-liberal grand coalition through the lense of the people’s mandate

17 October 2024

The MK Party extends its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families across the country who have lost loved ones due to various acts of criminality and pure negligence by the incompetent DA led coalition.

This coalition has already shown signs of fundamental disunity that can only reverse the gains of transformation in South Africa. By way of example, some of the laws, including NHI, the BELA Act, amended employment equity act amongst others, passed by the 6th administration are in abeyance purely because the then 20 percent DA has now found a 40 percent amenable ANC partner to reverse and undermine transformation.

President Ramaphosa has capitulated to unreasonable demands by his DA handlers in an attempt to reinstate some of the racist clauses already discarded by the administration. Furthermore, even in parliament we are saddled with extreme DA minister led incompetence pertaining to the setting up of the dome as an alternative to the "burnt" parliament.

Parliament decided in June already that the Dome must be setup, yet public works under the DA Minister is still on step one taken in September to effect the project plan. It is embarrassing to mention that even as we speak parliament still does not have a total cost breakdown beyond the estimated cost of 12 - 20 million.

South Africa is very fortunate to have an organization like the MK Party which has single handedly broken the stranglehold that the ineffective ANC had in this country.

The emergence of the MK Party and the leadership of his excellency President Zuma has ensured that administrators of the crown no longer have a free reign in the country. However, we call on South Africa to be vigilant against the proxy of the crown which is the DA and their collaborators, and this should not hoodwink the already malleable ANC of Ramaphosa.

To add insult to injury, we have seen how this government protects its own while the people suffer. The recent decision by the NPA not to prosecute the President over the Phala Phala scandal is a clear example of how justice in this country is reserved for the powerful. Millions of rands were found hidden on the President's farm, yet he walks free without facing any consequences. This is a slap in the face to every South African who demands accountability and fairness.

If this government truly cared about transparency and justice, they would ensure that no one, not even the President, is above the law. But instead, we see them closing ranks, protecting each other, and letting corruption thrive while the people continue to struggle.

The MK Party has been deliberate and systemic in its attempt to salvage South Africa from the wrath of the DA led coalition.

Our approach is informed by our people's mandate as encapsulated in our manifesto which has 8 pillars. All our efforts as the MK Party are rooted in those 8 pillars.

The Umkhonto Wesizwe Party (MKP) stands firmly in solidarity with the working class, the down trodden people and all South African and blacks in particular. The ANC, which should now be referred to as the former liberation movement, with its so-called Government of National unity (DA LED COALTION), as formed with right-wing forces as led by the ANC of Ramaphosa and the Democratic Alliance. This neo-liberal fraternization of a grand coalition with racists, whose agenda threatens to reverse the revolutionary gains made by the people of South Africa, can only be referred to as a treasonous cop-out of dezinformatsiya and a Faustian Pact— A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL.

This neo-liberal coalition, spearheaded by the DA and sustained through alliances with apartheid-era beneficiaries, symbolises a betrayal of the working class and the people of South Africa. It is an affront to the principles of the National Democratic Revolution. These developments reinforce our shared conviction: it is time for all progressive forces to come together and resist the neo-liberal agenda aimed at deepening inequality, poverty, and the dismantling of public services crucial to our people's well-being.

The DA led coalition under Ramaphosa has perpetuated the indignity of South Africans by preserving a constitutional framework that serves the elite rather than the people. The Constitution, hailed as progressive, has in fact become an obstacle to land reform and the restoration of dignity. It protects the property rights of those who historically stole the land and ensures the continued marginalization of the majority.

Under MK, we would scrap this Constitutional supremacy in favour of one that prioritizes the dignity and sovereignty of the people. We believe that only by returning to Parliamentary Sovereignty can we enact lavw that truly reflect the will of the people and restore their dignity through land reform and the empowerment of traditional leadership. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

Indeed, the current Constitution stands in the way of reclaiming our land and mineral resources. The DA led coalition has used constitutional protections and the ANC ambivalence to delay land expropriation and the nationalization of mineral resources, allowing White Monopoly Capital and foreign corporations to continue plundering our wealth. The MK party would move swiftly to repeal this Constitution, which safeguards the interests of the elite, and restore Parliamentary Sovereignty, which allows elected representatives to act in the best interests of the people. Through this, we would ensure that land and resources are transferred back into the hands of the people, using the wealth of our country to benefit all South Africans, not a privileged few. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

Under the guise of Constitutional Sovereignty, the DA led coalition has stripped the people of their power, governing through an elite judicial system rather than by the will of the people. Indeed, the ANC's obsession with so-called constitutionalism has alienated the masses from decision-making processes. MK would return to Parliamentary Sovereignty, placing power back into the hands of the people's elected representatives. We would ensure that decisions regarding the future of South Africa, especially those concerning economic transformation and land reform, are made by the people, for the people—without interference from an elitist neo-liberal constitution that protects the interests of the few. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

Indeed, the DA led coalition's adherence to a neoliberal Constitution has locked South Africa into an economic system that benefits White Monopoly Capital at the expense of the majority. This Constitution was designed to protect the wealth of those who control the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and ensure the continued exploitation of our resources by foreign interests. MK would scrap this Constitution and introduce an economic model that prioritizes the people. We would reclaim our economy from the grip of White Monopoly Capital and ensure that wealth generated from our land and resources is reinvested in the development of our communities, rather than flowing into the pockets of foreign shareholders. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

Under the DA led coalition's Constitution, education and technological development have been left to decay, with the elite sending their children to private schools while the masses suffer under an underfunded system. Indeed, this Constitution has protected the interests of those who already hold power, ensuring that human capital development remains the privilege of the few. MK would scrap this Constitution and introduce policies that invest heavily in building our human capital and technological capabilities, ensuring that every South African has access to quality education and the skills needed to thrive in the modern world. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DEUVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

The DA led coalition's adherence to Constitutional Sovereignty has allowed the continued control of urban spaces by a wealthy minority, while the majority remain confined to informal settlements. Indeed, this Constitution has been a barrier to spatial justice, ensuring that the legacy of apartheid geography remains intact. MK would scrap the current Constitution and prioritize Parliamentary Sovereignty, allowing us to reclaim urban and rural spaces for the people. We would embark on a radical program of land redistribution and spatial transformation, creating inclusive and equitable cities and towns that serve all South Africans, not just the elite. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

Indeed, the DA LED COALTlON's failure to reform the justice system has allowed corruption, crime, and violence to nourish. The Constitution has tied the hands of lawmakers, preventing them from enacting reforms that would protect the people.

MK would restore Parliamentary Sovereignty and scrap this Constitution, allowing us to build a justice system that serves the people. We would reform law enforcement, tackle crime at its roots, and ensure that every South African feels safe and secure in their community. Under MK leadership, the safety and security of the people would be paramount, and we would build a system that protects the many, not the few. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

The DA-led coaltion’s allegiance to Constitutional Sovereignty has undermined South Africa's sovereignty on the global stage. Indeed, the Constitution has been used to justify the government's capitulation to foreign powers and their economic interests, allowing White foreigners to continue controlling our resources and wealth.

MK would scrap this Constitution and reclaim South Africa's sovereignty by ensuring that the country is governed in the interests of its people, not global elites. We would assert South Africa's position as a leader in Africa and the world, championing the cause of oppressed peoples everywhere and standing firm against neo-colonialism.


Indeed, the DA LED COALTION has delayed the implementation of an efficient and effective healthcare system, hiding behind constitutional constraints that favor private healthcare over public services. The current Constitution protects the rights of the wealthy to access world-class private healthcare while leaving the majority to suffer under an underfunded public system. MK would scrap this Constitution and ensure the immediate implementation of a universal healthcare system that provides quality care to all South Africans. We would invest in public health infrastructure and ensure that South Africa's wealth is used to build a health system that serves everyone, not just the elite. THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT DELIVERS IN A 100 DAYS.

South Africa is a wealthy country, yet the wealth remains concentrated in the hands of a small elite due to the protections enshrined in the current Constitution. Indeed, the DA LED COALTION has failed to ensure that the country's wealth is shared among its people, allowing White Monopoly Capital and foreign corporations to continue their exploitation of our land and resources. MK would scrap this Constitution and return to Parliamentary Sovereignty, enabling us to reclaim the wealth of South Africa and ensure that it is shared among all South Africans. MK will guarantee that this wealth is used to eradicate poverty, create jobs, and build a prosperous future for all.


MKP calls on all left-wing political organisations, grass-roots movements, and trade unions to unite and build a broad front. The collaboration of leftist forces must transcend ideological divisions and become a powerful shield against the neo-liberalism embedded within the current DA LED COALTION framework. Our fight must be centred on dismantling austerity policies, reclaiming public resources for the people, and advancing radical economic transformation.

We call on all our black brothers and sisters, workers, youth, and the rural poor to mobilize actively and resist these reactionary forces. The struggle for economic emancipation is far from over. The policy reversals we witness today, including the undermining of transformational policies such as the National Health Insurance (NHI), are a stark reminder that the neo-liberal project is designed to benefit a privileged minority at the expense of the masses.

Issued by Nhlamulo Ndhlela, Media Communications, MKP, 17 October 2024