Poor and vulnerable people left without much-needed resources due to the DSD’s failure to spend R438.1 million
17 November 2021
The poor and vulnerable people of this province who are solely dependent on NGOs and NPOs for survival are now suffering and are at risk of starvation as the Gauteng Department of Social Development (DSD) fails to spend R438.1 million of its annual budget.
The constant failure by the department to spend on its allocated budget will see many of our vulnerable people with nowhere to go to find food and shelter.
This information was revealed in the department’s annual report for the 2020/21 financial year.
According to the department’s annual report, most of the department’s programmes were severely affected by under expenditure; The Social Welfare Services Programme underspent by R17.9 million which is mainly attributed to unspent funds on Antiretroviral (ART) food parcels, and the allocated budget for HIV social behaviour change not fully spent at the end of the financial year.