EFF Tshwane hate speech affirms their chaos, hatred and destruction – DA

Party will take decisive action against councillor who expressed desire to “moer a boer”

EFF Tshwane hate speech affirms their chaos, hatred and destruction

25 July 2024

The DA condemns in the strongest possible terms the abhorrent and inflammatory remarks made by an EFF councillor Obakeng Ramabodu during today's Tshwane Council Sitting. The councillor's statement, expressing a desire to "moer a boer" and his utterance that he "wants the blood of an Afrikaner," is a blatant display of hate speech and racism that has no place in our democratic society.

The DA will be taking decisive action by reporting Councillor Ramabodu to the South African Human Rights Commission and lay criminal charges to hold him accountable for his incitement to violence and hate speech.

The EFF is a party of hatred and chaos. They are the "breakers" that seek to sow division and incite violence, undermining the values of unity and respect that our nation is built upon.

Today in Tshwane, the "breakers" are attempting to oust Mayor Cilliers Brink while spewing rank racism and hatred. The DA stands firmly against these divisive tactics and calls on all South Africans to stand with the "builders" - those who work tirelessly to strengthen our communities and foster a future of peace and prosperity for all.

We will continue to oppose hate speech in all its forms and work to ensure that those who promote hatred and division are held to account.

Issued by Willie Aucamp and Karabo Khakhau, MP, 25 July 2024