Effect of animal shortage on food security concerning – DA WCape

Effects of loadshedding on farming, as well as turbulent trade conditions, have already put food prices under intense pressure

DA WC enquires about effect of animal vaccine shortage on food security in the Western Cape

9 May 2023

The DA in the Western Cape notes with concern the recent shortage of animal vaccines, specifically the bluetongue vaccine for sheep, that has placed thousands of animals at risk.

These vaccines are supposed to be produced by Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP), a state-owned entity. OBP has however been unable to fulfil its responsibilities in production, leaving farmers in the lurch, with huge losses to herds reported by the National Red Meat Producer Organisation.

The effects of loadshedding on farming, as well as turbulent international trade conditions resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, have already put food prices under intense upward pressure, with food inflation reaching 14% year-on-year in March.

MPP Andricus van der Westhuizen says: “National Government, through their mismanagement of critical state-owned entity Onderstepoort Biological Products, have let our farmers down.

I will be addressing questions to the Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Ivan Meyer, to ascertain what measures his department have taken to protect our farmers and their animals from the failures of National Government, and to ensure the province does not face a food security crisis.

The DA will stand with farming communities and fight to make sure the ANC government does its part in enabling them to feed the nation.”

Issued by Andricus van der Westhuizen, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, 9 May 2023