Election of grand coalition member to SCOPA Chair troubling - ActionSA

Party says appointment of Zibi a worrying departure from NA and international best practice

Election of Grand Coalition Member to SCOPA Chair a cynical plot to paralyze government oversight

10 July 2024

ActionSA is concerned though not surprised by the manifestly parochial appointment by the multi-party government of the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) to a signatory party to the “Statement of intent” of the multi-party government, thereby breaking the established and objective convention that the SCOPA is chaired by a member of an opposition party. The election of Rise Mzansi’s Hon. Songezo Zibi MP, as Chairperson of SCOPA, marks a troubling departure from our own National Assembly and international best practice. The multi-party government now clearly wishes to exercise oversight over itself by deploying one of its own to head up this critical oversight committee.

SCOPA is one of the committees most critical to the force and effect of oversight over the public purse and the performance of Government. This position now being gifted to a member of the multi-party government/“GNU” which already commands a 70% majority in Parliament serves to potentially neuter effective oversight over government expenditure and outcomes related performance.

This appointment is therefore nothing less than a reward for the leader of Rize Mzansi for their participation in the multi-party government.

The nature of the role of a SCOPA Chairperson is vital, especially in the context and construct of this new government. Strong government needs a counter balancing force in opposition that uses the considerable powers afforded to a SCOPA Chairperson to hold government to account. Government officials, political office bearers and vendors to the state can be subpoenaed to appear before SCOPA to account and this appointment is bound to compromise objective and critical oversight.

It is evident that this new multi-party coalition needs to be held accountable by a strong, rational opposition. With the largest and most expensive cabinet in our country’s history already in place, and real concerns of political brinkmanship already on display by parties in this government, strong opposition has never been more important.

ActionSA however remains committed to performing its role as a constructive opposition without fear or favour from its committee assignments even if the new multi-party coalition has abandoned even the illusion of respect for objective and independent accountability.

Issued by Athol Trollip, Parliamentary Caucus Leader, 10 July 2024