ActionSA to take up Scopa chairpersonships

Athol Trollip nominated for position in NA and John Moodey in Gauteng

ActionSA approves proposal to take up Chairpersonships of SCOPA

5 July 2024

ActionSA’s Senate has approved a proposal for the Party to chair the Standing Committee on Public Accounts nationally, and in the provinces in which ActionSA has won representation.

This follows a meeting with the ANC on 25 June 2024 in which ActionSA communicated that it would not be joining the grand coalition and would play the role of a constructive unofficial opposition in the concerning environment in which over 70% of Parliament now forms part of government.

ActionSA has availed itself to Chair the Standing Committees on Public Accounts in light of the established convention that this role be led by a Party in the opposition space. This has been done in the context of ActionSA as an opposition Party, with no agreement with the grand coalition and on the understanding that ActionSA will be a tough opposition.

The nature of the role of a SCOPA Chairperson is vital, especially in the context of this grand coalition. Strong government needs a counter balancing force in opposition that uses the considerable powers afforded to a SCOPA Chairperson to hold government to account. Government officials, political office bearers and vendors to the state can be subpoenaed to appear before SCOPA to account.

ActionSA has availed Athol Trollip to be considered as the Chairperson of SCOPA in the National Assembly, John Moodey in Gauteng, Thoko Mashiane in Mpumalanga and Kgosi Kwena Mangope in the North West. These are South Africans with enormous credentials in public service and ethical leadership.

While ActionSA avails these leaders to serve, we are at pains to point out that the grand coalition is free to nominate these individuals or they are free to nominate any other Party because there is no agreement between ActionSA and the grand coalition. Whether or not ActionSA chairs these vital committees, we will continue to play the role of a constructive opposition.

It is evident that this new grand coalition needs to be held accountable by a strong, rational opposition. With the largest and most expensive cabinet in our country’s history already in place, and real concerns of political brinkmanship already on display by parties in this government, strong opposition has never been more important. ActionSA will perform this role without fear or favour and we hope those in the grand coalition recognise this imperative that arises from the decision to co-opt so much of Parliament into government.

Issued by Michael Beaumont, National Chairperson, ActionSA, 5 July 2024