Further public hearings to be held on Expropriation Bill – DA WCape

Draft legislation creates uncertainty around the property rights that form the basis of our economy

DA passes resolution to hold further public hearings on the Expropriation Bill

12 October 2023

The DA in the Western Cape will pursue further public hearings on the Expropriation Bill in order to give the people of the Western Cape further opportunity to make their voices heard on this unconstitutional piece of legislation.

The DA in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament therefore tabled a resolution during today’s meeting of the Standing Committee on Infrastructure for the public hearings to be extended. This resolution was also supported by the African National Congress.

I will consult with the National Council of Provinces and the Speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, to ask for an extension and budget allocation for advertisement and any other cost implications that can be incurred. If granted, public hearings on the bill are set to resume in February, due to the Parliamentary programme being packed.

Many individuals who attended the previous public hearings shared their experiences of having to travel long distances, incurring considerable personal expenses and inconvenience, to participate in these hearings. Their expressed concern revolved around the possibility that others may not have the necessary time or resources to engage in this manner. Given the expansive size of the Western Cape, it is essential that we exert every effort to ensure that all residents of the province can exercise their constitutionally-protected right to have their voices heard. This importance is particularly amplified when it comes to dealing with the Expropriation Bill.

This unconstitutional bill creates uncertainty around the property rights that form the basis of our economy, in the process discouraging investment, both at a domestic and international level, further harming job creation efforts.

MMP Matlhodi Maseko said: “Irrespective of one's stance on the controversial Expropriation Bill, it is imperative that we prioritise a comprehensive examination of this legislation. To achieve this, we must ensure that the utmost attention and care are devoted to this legislative process.

Every resident of the Western Cape, regardless of their viewpoint, should have the opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions. It is our collective responsibility to facilitate a platform where all voices can be heard, ensuring inclusivity and fairness.”

Issued by Matlhodi Maseko, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Infrastructure, 12 October 2023