George by-election: GOOD aligns itself with PA/ANC cabal – DA WCape

Party says tactics by the PA, GOOD and ANC are undermining our democracy

George by-election: GOOD aligns itself with PA/ANC cabal

27 June 2023

The DA in the Western Cape notes the withdrawal of Fernando Fredericks from the Ward 27 by-election in George, taking place on 19 July.

The DA has nominated Marchell Kleynhans as candidate for ward 27 and his nomination has been submitted to the IEC. We are confident that Marchell will serve the community with integrity and commitment and we look forward to successfully contest the upcoming by-election.

These events are similar to what played out in Gauteng a few weeks ago, where a DA candidate was allegedly approached by the GOOD/PA, striking a deal with the candidate in exchange for their withdrawal.

These tactics by the PA, GOOD and ANC is undermining our democracy, and their dealings behind the scenes are nothing less than mafia tactics and political manipulation that betrays the trust of voters and undermines the constitutional principles of free and fair elections.

Further to their misdoings, we can expect that GOOD and the PA will work together, like they do elsewhere in the country, to put the ANC in power and further entrench corruption and poor governance.

The DA firmly commits to continue fighting this alliance between the PA, GOOD, and ANC, which is threatening our democracy.

We also want to assure the community of ward 27 that we are not deterred by the candidate's withdrawal and that we are as ready as ever to fight this by-election with an excellent candidate.

Issued by Venolea Fortuin, DA Regional Chairperson, East Region, Western Cape, 27 June 2023