Govt runs six pages of job ads in Rapport... in English - IFP

Koos van der Merwe says this is another example of ANC's cultural vandalism of Afrikaans


"The ANC is continuing its cultural vandalism of Afrikaans," says Koos van der Merwe MP and Chief Whip of the IFP. "The latest blatant example is Government placing six full pages of advertising for vacant positions in Rapport of Sunday 15 July 2012 all and only in English."

Van der Merwe has urgently placed questions on the Order paper of Parliament asking why English is used in an Afrikaans newspaper. These questions are put to the Ministers of Local Government, Arts and Culture, Social Development, Transport, Tourism and Public Enterprises.

Van der Merwe is asking the Ministers why only English was used and whether advertisements in English only are aimed at eliminating prospective Afrikaans applicants. He also wants to know how much the advertisements cost the state and whether the advertisements will be placed in Afrikaans also. " It is becoming clearer by the day that the ANC is vandalising Afrikaans and Afrikaner culture," says Van der Merwe. "It is not only happening to our langugae, but also to Afrikaans schools being turned into English schools. Correspondence by State Departments is conducted almost exclusively in English. Hardly 1% of Court Reports are now in Afrikaans whilst it used to be almost 50%."


Van der Merwe said the IFP will host an IFP Forum later this year to debate the whole issue of language in South Africa. Items that will be aired include why Constitutional language rights are being eroded and whether English has practically become the only official language. Also what other language groups are to do to protect their mother tongues from being wiped out of the public arena.

Statement issued by Mr Koos van der Merwe MP, Chief Whip of the IFP, July 16 2012

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