GPG should cut red tape to accelerate service delivery – Adriana Randall

DA MPL says govt inefficiency hampering job creation and private investment in province

GPG should cut red tape to accelerate service delivery and job creation

6 September 2023

The continuous red tape involved in doing business with the government is hampering critical service delivery in Gauteng. During the 2022/2023 financial year, the Gauteng Infrastructure Financing Agency (GIFA) had delays in appointing transactional advisors, and this happened again during the first quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year.

The delays in appointing a transactional advisor for the business case to be made when there are potential investors are now becoming a trend. This red tape must be cut as it is hampering job creation and private investment in the province.

Furthermore, the Democratic Alliance, through the Portfolio Committee on Finance, has on several occasions requested that the National Treasury be invited to explain to the Portfolio Committee what the delay is in appointing transactional advisors. A request has also been made for the Governmental Technical Advisory Committee to address the Portfolio Committee. To date, none of these requests have been honoured.

One of the mandates of GIFA is to help the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) seek investment from the private sector. This is critical if the GPG is committed to creating a conducive environment for long-term job opportunities.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) will be tabling further questions in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) to determine why there are delays in appointing transactional advisors, the total cost and how long they will be appointed.

Our residents deserve a government committed to cutting the red tape for the private sector doing business with the government.

Issued by Adriana Randall, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Finance, 6 September 2023