Hawks investigating criminality of lease deals - DA

Party says both Cele and Mahlangu-Nkabinde should be suspended

The ongoing investigation by the Hawks into the SAPS lease deals should be reason enough to suspend both National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele and Public Works Minister Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde. We therefore welcome the reported move to suspend Bheki Cele, and trust that it will be done without any further delay. Removing him from his post will create a far more favourable environment for the investigators to conduct their investigation without any interference, or perceived interference, on his part. This can only be conducive to ensuring that justice is done, and is seen to be done.

However, we believe that for the Hawks investigation to continue unhindered, Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde should also be suspended.

On 7 August we laid criminal charges against: 

  • Police Commissioner Bheki Cele, for failing to comply with the Public Financial Management Act;
  • Public Works Minister Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde, for contravention of the Public Protector Act and in terms of the Intimidation Act (as it was reported that the former Public Works Director-General (DG), Siviwe Dongwana, feared for his safety and for that of his family as a result of pressure from the Minister and Roux Shabangu to continue with the lease);
  • Mr Roux Shabangu, also in terms of the Intimidation Act, for the reason given above;
  • Mr Siviwe Dongwana, the then DG of Public Works, for failing to comply with his responsibilities as DG.

Since the charges were laid, we have met with a representative of the Hawks, signed the necessary documents and have been assured by the Pretoria-based Colonel in charge of the investigation that it is currently underway. 

We do have to ask, however, why it is that the Minister of Public Works has not been treated in the same way as Commissioner Cele, given her unacceptable conduct as identified in the Public Protector's report.

The President's spokesperson, Mac Maharaj, is reported as saying yesterday that if Cele remains in his position, it could cause some uncertainty in the police service. Why does the same not apply in the case of the Public Works Minister?

We will continue to monitor this investigation to ensure that justice is served.

Joint Statement issued by Wilmot James, MP and Debbie Schafer, MP, DA Federal Chairperson and DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, September 26 2011

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