Hendriette van Huyssteen’s continued role as MPL condemned – ANCYL

Youth League says the DA's actions are a blatant insult to the principles of justice, integrity, and accountability

ANCYL statement condemning the DA and Hendriette van Huyssteen’s continued role as MPL

30 August 2024

The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) condemns the unethical actions of the Democratic Alliance (DA) in allowing Hendriette van Huyssteen to serve as a Member of the Provincial Legislature (MPL) in the North West. It is nothing short of a scandal that someone who has been struck off the roll and suspended by the Legal Practice Council (LPC) is occupying a legislative seat, making decisions that impact the lives of South Africans.

Van Huyssteen’s suspension by the LPC, for failing to submit an audit report and practising without a Fidelity Fund Certificate since 2019, is a glaring violation of the trust that the public places in legal professionals. Her disqualification as a legal practitioner should have automatically disqualified her from holding any public office as she has been proven to be dishonest and unethical, yet the DA, in its hypocritical and racially biased manner, has not only ignored these serious infractions but has also actively promoted her to a position of power.

The DA's actions are a blatant insult to the principles of justice, integrity, and accountability.

This is the same party that relentlessly attacks black leaders on grounds of alleged misconduct, yet it turns a blind eye when it comes to a white person who has clearly breached ethical and legal standards. This racial double standard is not only deeply offensive but also exposes the DA's ongoing commitment to upholding white privilege at the expense of true justice and equality.

Hendriette van Huyssteen's appointment to the legislature is a slap in the face to the people of the North West and to all South Africans who believe in the rule of law. The DA's decision to allow her to continue serving is a betrayal of the very democracy it claims to defend. It is evident that the DA's so-called "commitment" to ethical govemance is nothing more than a facade, selectively applied to suit its own political agenda.

We, the ANC Youth League, demand the immediate removal of Hendriette van Huyssteen from her position as MPL. The DA must be held accountable for its reckless and unethical behavior in this matter. We further call on the Legal Practice Council and other relevant authorities to ensure that individuals who have been found guilty of such serious professional misconduct are not allowed to hold public office.

The DA must be reminded that public office is a privilege, not a right, and those who hold such positions must be beyond reproach. Hendriette van Huyssteen’s continued role as a lawmaker is a disgrace, and it is time for the DA to stop protecting her and start respecting the values of accountability and transparency that it pretends to champion.

Issued by Mntuwoxolo Ngudle, Secretary General, ANCYL, 30 August 2024