IEC defies ConCourt judgement on coming elections
6 December 2021
The decision by the IEC to re-open candidate nominations, as communicated to the Party Liaison Committee (PLC) this morning, makes a mockery of the coming elections and our Constitutional Court.
This decision, which provides relief to the governing ANC, defies the requirement that the election timetable remains in effect barring changes necessitated by the Constitutional Court requirement for voter registration to be re-opened.
In this morning’s PLC meeting, ActionSA specifically required the IEC to confirm which amendments to the election timetable are to be made in accordance with 5(c)(iii) and 5(d)(iii) of last Friday’s Constitutional Court judgement. Both sections place a duty on the IEC to make reasonable arrangements to the existing timetable to allow for the registration of voters wishing to participate in the coming elections. These arrangements must also be publicly communicated to voters. No answers could be provided to this question. The IEC has simply elected to ignore the Constitutional Court.
The rationale to re-open candidate nominations, as a consequence of the voter registration weekend, is tenuous at best. It relies on the idea that candidates need the chance to register to vote just like voters – as if candidates did not possess both the self-interest and the opportunity to register at municipal offices or online prior to the election proclamation of 4 August 2021.