Jack Tolo will be sorely missed - COPE

Party says murdered MP was a patriot, a gentleman and a leader

Mr, Jack Tolo was born on 21 November 1948. His untimely death, he was cruelly murdered by the hand of as yet unidentified intruders at his home early this morning, has robbed his family, his friends, his comrades and his community, as well as the people of South Africa in general, of a patriot, a gentleman and a leader. He leaves behind his wife, Salome, 7 children and 10 grandchildren, a family of over 20 in all.

Bishop Tolo, served in the leadership of the Apostolic Church since the 1970s, was an MP since 1994 and prior to that had worked in democratic organisations since the mid 1970s, when he joined the ANC. In 2009 he was one of the first people to join the Congress of the People. In Parliament he served on the Defence and Correctional Services Committees, where he was diligent and always on top of issues.

Bishop Tolo's life was rooted in his community, where lived at Ha Masha Village, Nqwabe in Sekhukune, Limpopo. He was an active MP and always had time for his neighbours, his colleagues and his comrades. A kind, gentle man, he was also a firm believer in discipline.

Bishop Tolo was a working class man and he never forgot his roots. He worked on the land as a tractor driver, on a dairy farm and as a driver before he became an MP in 1994. Ntate Tolo will be sorely missed by all in the Congress of the People.

We extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends, comrades and neighbours. The SAPS must leave no stone unturned to bring the perpetrators of this callous murder to book. Hambe Kahle, Ntate Tolo.

Statement issued by Phillip Dexter, MP, COPE national spokesperson, August 22 2011

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