Joburg ANC tables empty promises in 2021/22 Budget – Herman Mashaba

ActionSA leader says ANC is intent on using City’s coffers as electioneering vehicle

Joburg ANC tables empty promises in 2021/22 Budget

25 May 2021  

Today, the corrupt ANC-led government of the City of Johannesburg delivered its budget for the financial year 2021/22 – a budget rich in election promises but with little prospects of delivery.

Since coming into office over 18 months ago, the residents of our city have watched infrastructure and services undergo a rapid decline across the board. Instead of addressing this decline, which is evident for all residents to see, the ANC is more interested in managing the tarnished brand of their corrupt Mayor, Geoff Makhubo.

It is evident that the ANC has every intention of using the City’s coffers as an electioneering vehicle. One cannot help but suspiciously eye the 500 000 food parcels which are likely to be used as voting fodder in ANC strong-holds instead of ensuring COVID - relief and social support reaches all poor communities and child-headed households throughout the Johannesburg.

It appears Makhubo’s administration is committed to continuing the ANC’s legacy of shameless looting, self-promotion and electioneering using taxpayers’ money – to the tune of R378 million in the 2016 local government election – instead of ensuring residents’ basic service delivery needs are met.

Despite the ANC's claims, Johannesburg cannot be called “A World Class African City,” while residents continue to have their dignity stripped away by poor living conditions and worsening access to employment opportunities. The misguided priorities of the ANC are best captured in the decision to budget R45 million to re-establish the Joburg Tourism Company. To spend millions on promoting Joburg to the people of the world, while the City’s residents must live without quality services, is criminal.

The only way to bring about change that benefits all Joburg’s residents, and ends the ANC’s looting and corruption, is to unseat them in the coming Local Government Elections.

ActionSA stands ready to provide an alternative to the broken political system that has failed our residents. We stand at the ready to provide a competent and caring government that will prioritise building an inclusive and prosperous city for all. 

Issued by Herman Mashaba, President, ActionSA, 25 May 2021