Kader Asmal commends Trevor Manuel

Former minister says govt must choose which side it's on


Kader Asmal has written to his friend and comrade, Minister Trevor Manuel, to congratulate him on his condemnation of the appalling racist remarks made in relation to employment equity by Mr Jimmy Manyi, now head of the Government Communication and Information Service and cabinet spokesperson.

Minister Manuel deserves the support and praise of all right-thinking South Africans.  What drove him to respond in such clear and moving language was not only his belief in  the core values of the African National Congress as expressed in the Freedom Charter, but also his adherence to the principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in our Constitution.

The choice facing us is very clear:  do we stand behind the humane and generous values of Minister Manuel, or do we, by staying silent, lend our support to the mischievous and dangerous notions of Mr Manyi?

Our Government must also make this choice.

Professor Kader Asmal
Former Cabinet Minister and  
long-standing member of the ANC

Source: www.citypress.co.za

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