"Knocking on heaven’s door!" – Daily Sun

"She said goodbye in church, then died peacefully!" – front page lead, June 25 2015




Daily Sun (June 25 2015) - KNOCKING ON HEAVEN’S DOOR!


GOGO GRACE asked her son, the bishop, for a chance to speak to the congregation.

From the pulpit she said her last goodbyes to the people and her family.


“My sister knew she was going to die,” said Grace’s sister, Losina Mokoena (86) from Meadowlands, Soweto.

“Now she is heaven in the arms of the angels.”

It was at the service for Father’s Day on Sunday at the New Movement Apostolic Church that gogo Grace Makhanya (76) came into the church and calmly asked the bishop if she could speak from the pulpit.

“We were amazed when she told the packed church that she had visited her dead husband at the Avalon cemetery earlier that morning,” said Losina.

“She said she had a great time talking to her husband on the day dedicated to fathers.”

Losina said gogo Grace had told her own daughter before she left home that she would not come back from church.

“She came into the church, waved at everyone and started singing a hymn. The congregation waved at her and stood and sang with her. It was amazing how happy she was. We didn’t know it was her last day on earth,” said Losina.

From the pulpit she advised young people to go to school, respect their parents and told the old people they should not be jealous of each other.”

Grace said her son, who is the bishop of the church, was everything a good father should be. “She shook hands with the bishop, hugged him then sat down where she died peacefully!” said Losina.

Grace’s daughter, Thokozile Makhanya (42) said her mother was happy and healthy.

“She told me she wouldn’t come back from church. I only realised what she meant after I heard what had happened,” said Thokozile.

Archbishop Frans Makhanya (50) said it was a blessing that his mother had honoured him and his sister in front of everyone.

“Before leaving the pulpit she asked me to read a Bible verse,” he said.

The verse he read was from John 14: Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me. My Father’s house has many rooms.

“Before I had finished reading people started shouting. I went to investigate to find my mum was dead,” he said.

“I have been a pastor since I was 22 but I have never seen anything like this.”

He said he was sure she had joined his father who died as the leader of the same church.

He said his mother was disciplined and hardworking.

“She will be remembered for her love for her children and grandchildren. We will miss her,” he said.

See the Daily Sun’s new website for more on this and other stories....


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